Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome, everyone!

Hello, everyone!

This is where 10% of your grade begins. The rules for the discussions are as follows:

1. You will be posting a blog on an issue. What you will do is EMAIL to me the blog on the issue you wish to cover and the commentary you wish to add to the topic (naturally, you've got to start the conversation). I will post it up on the blog site for your classmates; whereupon, the discussion will begin.

2. You will also be responsible for CONTRIBUTING your thoughts, comments, theories, comparisons, rants, raves, inquiries, outrage, etc. on each of the blogs posted by your classmates. It's a give-and-take discussion, as well it should be.

3. Your blog postings and responses must NOT be anonymous. It wouldn't make much sense to grade an anonymous contributor when I wouldn't know to whom I'd grant the grade, would it?

4. Since your blog postings and commentaries aren't going to be anonymous, I expect you to respond thoughtfully and intelligently. Please note, however, that I will not censor your writing. I strongly adhere to the ideology of freedom of speech. I simply ask that you refrain from using vacuous vulgarities and brash insults directed at your fellow commentators. That's not adequate argumentation, in any case.

5. Your blog issue will be on a CURRENT topic that's debatable. This may require you to start reading the newspaper and newsworthy magazines, watching the tube, browsing the internet, and so forth. Direct your blog commentators to certain stories/articles on the topic as well, to assist in your discussion and their contributions.

6. Bear in mind, folks, I'll be contributing, too! Don't let MY vantage dissuade you from posting either (in good argumentation, no side is 100% right or wrong!). That certainly ISN'T what freedom of speech entails. In other words, feel free to disagree with my views. Just be prepared to back up your claim!

7. Have a good time with this. What I hope this blog will do is free your mind a bit and give you some ideas as to research paper topics you might not have thought of before!

8. Find out what my other 1102 class is up to by visiting

(They'd love to have you there.)

So, without further adieu... Let's begin with something easy --

Each of you introduce yourself and give us ONE pet peeve -- one thing that irritates you -- big or small -- that really gets under your skin.

I'll start:

I'm MacKenzie Jennings, and I can't stand it when people actually have conversations on their cell phones while at the movies. It's even worse when they reveal the plot twists while on the phone.


Eric W said...

Yea, I see where that can be upsetting!

However my pet peeve is I can't stand when someone talks while someone else is talking or interrupts someone, especially me, hehe!

A La Salle said...

I'm Angela La Salle and my number one pet peeve is when people say "That's so gay." It really annoys me.

Jamie Purvis said...

My name is Jamie Purvis, and I get really irritated when my cell phone drops calls. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a conversation with someone and realizing that the "call was lost".

BriAnna said...

I'm Bri Anna Coonfield, My pet peeve is when someone eats and they chew so obnoxiously, it's disgusting.

Jess J. said...

My name is Jessica Jordan. The most annoying pet peeve I have is when someone tells me the ending to a book I am reading. That truely bothers me especially when it is a teacher who just told me to read it, yet insists to tell me how it ends. (the same goes for a movie)

Jess J. said...

"yet insists to tell me how it ends." Forgive me for I meant to write, "yet insists on telling me how it ends."

Jonathon G said...

My name is Jonathon Graves and my biggest pet peeve is when someone at visits a amusement park and pull up a movie that is not appropriate. I do understand that Final Destination was a movie a lot of people watched but there are people who are scared as it is to get onto the rides and the comment would make them fear them even more and cause a larger issue among the patrons.

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Mark Myers. My worst pet peeve is when someone does not know when to be quiet. Even when every one around has advised them to shut up and they keep on going.

MiSSWHitNEY said...

My name is Whitney McIntosh, and my number one pet peeve is when people jump into my conversation.I really can't stand nosey & rude people in general.

Unknown said...

Hi, my name is Sandra Curran. My pet peeve is when people make noise or talk, like during a test, when I am trying to concentrate. It is just rude and inconsiderate. What is worse is when the teacher does not bother to say anything. They allow the noise to continue without regard to the students still testing or actually join in with the noise and conversations themselves. I had a teacher last week that actually talked on their cellphone during our test. Rude and disrespectful.

Brad E. said...

Hey my name is Brad Edmondson. Although my biggest pet peeve isn't unthoughtful civilians talking obnoxiously in the movies, my own is still quite similar. I simply can't stand when people bring their BABIES into the movie theater! Their boisterous cries and screams distract me, while I'm simply trying to indulge in a key moment during a cinematic adventure! ;)

Daniel B. said...

My name is Daniel Bohannon. My peeve is hypocrisy, especially in politics.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Jessica Green, one of my pet peeves would have to be road rage. I can not stand when people run you off the road because of their ignorance behind the wheel of a car! I really believe some people should not be allowed to drive on the roads period.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm Sara Rodberg. My list of pet peeves is neverending but because I know that I am hypersensitive to stupid quirks or events I keep my mouth shut most of the time. I'm sure this will slightly annoy most of you but I have a tie for three of my pet peeves. Here they are:
1. When people scrape their fork on their teeth when they're eating. I know people don't mean to do it but it irritates me.
2. I dislike being asked questions. I like conversation but I can't stand to be asked questions. This one is kind of difficult to explain, ask me sometime.. (haha that was a joke).
3. I hate seeing words that aren't spelled correctly. I know some people can't help that either.

James said...

Hey I'm James. My biggest pet peeves are A) people that put on a fake mask and try to be something they are not, and B) people who are supposed to be organized and leading others, but completely fall flat and do things at the last possible second.