Friday, October 3, 2008

Animal testing...

We are in a day and age in which animals have become virtually consumable -- they've become mere testing products and food. Due to increasing demand in both areas, animals are being put through procedures that are quick and cheap for people but cruelly painful and torturous for animals. During this time, with such large demand and so many other issues, should we try to make a difference in the quality of these animals' lives in the business industries?


Animal abuse is an issue that many disregard. Shouldn’t the life of animals be valued? In the business industries, life isn’t respected; what is of great importance is the product that is going to be produced at the end. No industries care about the inhumane acts against animals. The majority of the time, businesses emphasize on “The faster the production process, the more money that will come in.” The reality is that the animals being tested, as test “subjects”, are simply test subjects.

Think about these situations:

Chickens get crammed into a cage; imagine yourself locked in a six by six closet with four to six other people. You're scared about what is about to happen next.

Cows get injected with different hormones and then are prepped for meat processing. See in your mind's eye being injected with chemicals that change different aspects of you, which may even burn to the bone, like a test subject. Then you're skinned alive, shipped to a different location with hundreds of others like you. Most of your bones and muscles are torn -- envision the pain. In truth, animals don’t need to empathasize with or try to comprehend such a feeling, for they already feel it.

All animals can feel, hear, and see so what makes them less valuable than the lives of businessmen?

Mercy for Animals is an animal rights organization that visually demonstrates the merciless operations that take place. Note: Mercy for Animals is only one of many societies that seek support for the animals.

Go to: (maybe there is a lot more insight that will make more sense)


We should make a stand for the animals that are cruelly killed or tested on. We, as human beings, should not test on animals for any reason. The killing of animals is somewhat of a controversial issue. From one point of view, I hate cruelty that is placed in the killing of animals\; on the other hand though, the slaughterhouses have to do it in the manner that they do it in. If they don't kill them the way they do, it would spoil the meat.


While I do believe that products need to be tested and that we need the food industry, I believe there is a better way in going to these goals. I see nothing wrong with killing a cow for food, but I cannot agree with the methods used. The slaughtering of an animal should be clean, quick, and painless. I also believe that the living conditions of these animals are terrible. If we are going to kill them for their meat we might as well make their short lives comfortable.


M. B. Jennings said...

I find the methods of testing upon (and "storing") animals absolutely monstrous. Those methods reflect the casually cold nature of profiteers who have no interest in anything but making a buck on their "product."

I realize it's Orwellian of me, but how are we to treat an animal in such a manner when we are merely animals ourselves.

Never mind the notion of cosmetic testing upon animals --even worse. Just for frivolity's sake.

MiSSWHitNEY said...

I don't really know too much about animal testing besides the fact that it really gets under some peoples skin.I've heard about the way that they treat the animals and it sounds really cruel.I for one had to stop and think, what would make someone abuse and be some unsympathetic toward these animals all in the name of money? In a way it just goes to show you what this world is truly all!

Horace said...

I think we need to uses animals for testing because it helps us as people to create new cures and medicines. People complain when something goes wrong with the animal but they are fine when they find a cure to something. I think we should continue testing animals

Jamie Purvis said...

I think that using animals for human purposes is necessary, but that it should be done in a humane way. We need to reduce the unneccesary suffering and cruelty. We need animals for research. This is just part of the evolutionary process. There has to be a better way, though. There needs to be more regulation and oversight (yes, I said it, Ms. Libertarian)to make sure that animals are treated fairly.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this is a way of life. Would you rather test human beings than animals? I own three chickens and five rabbits. I'm about to receive a hog and possible a cow. At the end of the year for FFA (Future Farmers of America) we have to sell our animals to butcher companies. It's the way of life and how we provide our food across the nation. Some test I do believe are completely wrong. How else will we find cures? I think if its going to save thousands of lives then yes go for it. I guess with being around farm animals and with FFA, I have a better understanding of some things. I know one time I was at KMS in the Ag department and this kid decided to snap a chickens neck for no reason. It really made me upset. When he was questioned about it, his response was, "Well the chicken was going to die anyways because it had a broken leg." I felt like telling him well since your going to die anyways, then it would be ok to snap your neck. So I understand where it really bugs people. Another time, the kids were throwing rocks and sticks at this cow we were raising for a FFA competition. They often forgot to feed her so she never would of made weight. Situations like this are animal cruelty, as well as make up testing and shampoo. Medicine on the other hand, I believe its worth it, even though I really don't know much about the process. Once again if its going to save lives then why not try it? If they found a cure that saved millions of lives, then would you still be against it or consider it wrong? Would you consider it human cruelty if they decided to do all the testing on humans or would you be against that too? Which one would you rather have?

Jonathon G said...

The fact that people use animals to test harmful cosmetics and other dangerious proceagers makes it wrong. Animals are liveing creatures that should be treated with respect not abused. I feel that animals should be loved not tested on.

Angelina L said...

Well, I like many of the posters here, believe that the treatment of animals is horrible. While many rely on meat for food, there is a line between necessity and cruelty.

For example: Workers, including the pen manager himself, would go to extremes: kicking, beating, pulling the animals' tails, shocking them, jabbing them in the eyes, dragging them with chains. "The thought was if you cause enough pain, they'll stand up," says Wrangler. "If that didn't work, he [the pen manager] would use a forklift to dump them into the next pen or into the alleyway that leads up to the slaughter chute." Wrangler even witnessed a bovine version of waterboarding, involving "spraying water down their throat to try to get them to stand up."

M. B. Jennings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M. B. Jennings said...

I'm reposting this, having gone back and read my unprofessional errors...

(Note: English teachers throw in the towel at some point, too!)

Horace brought up a good point. Testing on animals for potential cures-- I don't like the idea, but it may be absolutely vital.

I am loathe to the cosmetic industry's practices though.

Bear in mind, we've also got a significant amount of people who are test subjects -- human guinea pigs -- as well (unlike the animals, however, they get some much needed cash at the end). I had a couple of friends back in college who always signed up for medical "opportunities" listed in journals and magazines. The stories of their side effects were horrifying. Imagine being much smaller in size and girth and undergoing those side effects!

sam said...

I do have simpathy for the animals being tested on. The way we treat them is wrong and cruel, but it is neccessary. People forget the data we have collecting with animal testing that has saved many people in our world. As a human race we are becoming more affectionate towards other things that arent really relavent. Remember, we have been using animals for many things as far as human came to earth. From skinning them to eating them. Its the survival of the fittest. Thats why God put these aminals here for us, they're not just for looking and petting.

Anonymous said...

Animal testing is a vile, horrific practice in our society. Animals have the ability to feel pain, sadness, joy...all very "human" emotions. Would we subject ourselves to half of the mistreatment that these poor creatures have to face? Everyone seems to turn a blind eye when a cure for a sickness is found, or a new cosmetic product is created. We seem to forget that many animals could have died in order for the cure to be found, or that straightening shampoo we love so much to be perfected. Every time we wash our hair, put on make up, get a vaccination...thousands of lives were lost in order for them to come to be. How is the life of an animal worth less than a man's? The pets we keep become "like family", and when they pass on, it's the equivalent of a child or sibling dying. Why should we think any less of the noble cow, who is raised from birth to be a milk-making, steak-producing machine? Are we so different, really? We feel emotions as easily as any creature of God, we are raised from birth to be processed by the Machine, "Life", and we all die.

Brad E. said...

I agree with Jennings when it comes to this subject. I think these capitalistic profiteers are too worried about how much money they can get off each animal, rather than raising them for other substantial reasons.

jake said...

i think animal testing is ok depending on what its for if its for the better of science or life then its ok but if its for lip stick or make-up im against it.Isnt animal farming the same as animal testing and we need the pigs and cats and other animals that help the doctors better understand the human body

Mike said...

I think that animal testing is fine as it currently is. It is better to test on an animal and discover the side effects then put a product on the market and discover the problem on a human which in our society, a greater risk. As far as slaughter houses, why should a owner have ideal conditions for an animal that is about to be killed. Sure the owner is in to make the greatest profit but afterall isn't everyone.

tiffany said...

I don't think there should be any type of animal testing EVER!! That is so wrong to do testing on a poor inicent animal that doesn't know what your doing to it. The animals don't know what is going to happen to them. Im sure individuals would be the same way.

Eric W said...

I strongly disagree with experimental testing on animals as well as animal abuse. I wish that there was some way we could use as an alternative solution. But sometimes the animal rights groups go too far into an issue which makes them seem foolish, to the point where no one wants to listen to them. If they were to focus on one issue which is legitimate they would have more and better results.

As for the topic of animals for slaughter; I think it’s done in the most human way. However there will always be some mishaps.