Friday, October 10, 2008

Born Gay?

Is sexual orientation a trait people are born with? Or is it an illness that people can be cured of? Do people choose to be gay or are they born this way?

This issue has been debated for decades by religious and political leaders, scientists and the general public, and it is the center of the gay-rights activist argument. Proponents of this issue claim that gays are biologically born this way and cannot change their sexual orientation, and, thus, gays should be afforded the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual people. Opponents of this issue claim that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice" and that gays can be cured with therapy and prayer. Many opponents also believe that gays should not be afforded the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual people. What do you think?

Jamie: I think that gays are born gay, and there is more and more scientific evidence of this every year. Most of the scientific research is done overseas, though, because funding is hard to get in the United States due to the huge political implications.

Look at this very infomative article in the Seattle Times which gives documented studies showing how biology may drive sexual orientation...

Social and environmental studies have been going on for over 40 years, and there is no conclusive proof or evidence showing that how a child is raised or the environment the child is raised in has any bearing on sexual orientation. I feel that gays should have the same rights and protection as heterosexuals.

Angela: I absolutely agree that being gay isn't a choice. As a lesbian myself, I can relate that it's not really a choice. I've been out of the closet now for almost three years, and I can remember that since I was about nine I really felt that I should like boys, mainly because my best friend became boy crazy then; I would have liked boys if I could have, but it just didn't happen. I was starting to notice my attraction to girls then and it caused me a lot of inner turmoil; after about a year of her droning on about boys, she noticed that I never really participated in the conversation and asked me if I thought I might be gay. I blew up at her and later regretted it because I knew that it was true. So, these days, I'm comfortable with it, but I really feel that if I did have a choice I probably would have chosen to be straight when I was first starting to realize my same-sex attractions.

Sara: I can't believe that people just choose to be gay no matter the ramifications they are forced to experience for it. What I mean is for the last several years society has gained an acceptance, but, still, homosexuals are still seen as taboo. However, this is a double edged sword because when the general public thinks about homosexuals, the stereotypes that come to mind are effeminate men holding hands and kissing in the streets with loud flamboyant tones of speech. Who thinks of women in this sense? It's okay for women to like women..even the manliest of women, and there is rarely this huge question hanging over their head whether they chose it or not. So I wonder is the question if men are born gay? Or do they choose? Everyone has heard of the chick that says "screw men" and flips sides, but I've never heard a guy have such a rough time with women that they say "screw 'em"...I think people are born gay or with same-sex attractions (not necessarily gay), and if it is a choice, it is a choice they are making for themselves and not a single other person.

Bri: I do not think that being gay is just a choice; you can't exactly help who you're attracted to or who you love. They teach us to look at colors equally right? Since I have a gay brother and a bunch of gay friends, I see it firsthand -- my brother knew since he was just a boy, he was never attracted to females. And as for rights, who are we to dictate others' lives? It's their world -- we just happen to be living in it. If gay couples want to get married or want to adopt, as long as they are suitable and provide for each other then why not? That's how they chose to live.


M. B. Jennings said...

I have yet to see any undeniable proof that a biological trait -- one that forms into our own sexuality -- is a "choice. " There is no logical rationale for those who believe otherwise. Sexuality is most certainly not a choice.

Mya said...

From looking at the posted blog, i feel that being gay isnt something that is a choice or something you're born into. Being gay, i think, is a product of a person's environment. When growing up a person may go through something traumatic with the opposite sex, and they may turn away from that, and stick to what they know. That person may feel comfortable and at ease with their same sex. I am not homosexual but i believe that they have as much right as any heterosexual. It's their choice and their decision, therefore; their judgement is not shared with the people who look down on homosexuality.The government has a way with getting into business that they shouldnt, and the gay marriage contreversy is one of those situations. They should be more worried about gas, and america's debt if you ask me!

sam said...

I personally think that if someone comes out and says that they are gay or lesbian that this is something that was on their mind for awhile and they finally came to the conclusion that they are a homosexual. You never see a 3 or 4 year old boy or girl and thought, "wow, that kid is gay". People cant be born gay, it is just a conclusion that they came to. However I dont beleive you can change someone sexuality. If someone says they are gay, you cant change thier mind, just as a straight person.

lynn08 said...

I just know without a doubt that people choose to be gay. There's absolutely no way you are born gay. That is a major sin that is taking over the world. People are using this excuse to brain wash others in believing that being a homosexual is ok. Which in reality it isn't. God made man to reproduce not to stop the whole process because man wants man and woman want woman, that's outrageous. YOu choose to live that life. It was not placed in your DNA which forced you to live it. It's a choice, rather influenced by gay peers or just having an eye for the same sex, you chose to live that life. End of discussion. I have a family member who's a lesbian, and i'm quite curtain she wasn't born that way, she chose that life after she had her kids. It's not hereditary because her kids didn't turn out that way. Therefore, it's a choice.

J.HELLER said...

There has to be some type of choice of being gay. How else do explain the bisexual which likes both sexes. To me it is not an issue if one is gay. I believe ther are good people and bad people. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Eveyone should have the same rights, but there will alwqays be people that try a "Chuck & Larry". Which inturn ruins it for everyone.

alyssa811 said...
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alyssa811 said...

I completely agree with lynn08. Being gay is a lifestyle choice. As she said, God made people to reproduce and that's obviously not possible with homosexuals. I don't feel that homosexuals should be treated diffrently because they are humans. They should have the same rights but it will take some time for people to accept them.

Anonymous said...

You can't help who you are attracted to. Like with pedophiles, who are sexually attracted to young children, it is the way they are wired. No amount of jailtime will take away their lust for children, because that is who they yearn for. The same can be said for homosexuals. They can't "turn it off", or like the opposite sex. They were born that way, that is how their minds work.

Brad E. said...

In this "matter" of being born gay or not, I really don't know where I stand. There is no substantial evidence or facts for either side of this argument-- quite frankly, why does it even matter? Why is this subject even debated about amongst our society? If there were facts to support one side of this argument, what would it change?

Alexandria said...

I don't know if people are born gay, but I do think people are predisposed. I just don't think people would choose to be apart of a hated group, that doesn't make sense. If a person says that they have had these feelings since they were very young, who are you to say they haven't. Were you there during their childhood and in their mind? If you were to ask a bunch of gay people if they wanted to be "normal" most would say yes.

Some people view it as a alternative "lifestyle". Doesn't having a certain lifestyle mean that you take actions to establish that lifestyle. So if a gay person does not act on their thoughts does that mean they're not gay. A celibate gay person is still gay, just as a celibate straight person is still straight. I don't see why it bothers people so much.

Unknown said...

My parents knew I was gay from the time I was four years old. Just because it takes a long time for many of us to recognize and come to terms with our sexuality does not mean that we have not been gay since we came out of the womb. I did not choose to have to worry about whether my children and partner will be able to get my benefits when I die, whether I can visit my partner in the hospital if she is in an accident, or whether I will be attacked on the street just for being who I have always been.

The way that our society views sexuality is not universal for all current societies not to mention for all past societies. Sexuality is a social construction just like gender, race, and any number of identity issues.

Unknown said...

lynn08, do you think that heterosexual people who can't have children shouldn't be able to have sex or get married because they can't reproduce?

Many gay people come out later in life becasue they either didn't know that being themselves was an option because of their social climate or because they were too afraid to go against societal norms.

We are not trying to brain wash anyone. We just want to be ourselves and be happy just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I always find it hilarious when people base their arguments solely around : "God made it that way". If you want to think that way, then start considering that God also made homosexuals. Homosexuality and bisexuality are a wide-spread occurrences in the animal kingdom, not only in humans. Some species of birds and insects, even mammals engage in homosexual relationships. Most notably dolphins and the order of great apes - the animals closest to humans genetically. The only difference between animals and humans engaging in homosexual relations is that in the animal kingdom it's not reprimanded. And why? Because it's an entirely natural thing, it is in them genetically as it is in us.

Jess J. said...

If a person was born gay than they would have been diagnosed, in scientific perspective, with a disorder or disease. That is not the case. It is basically a decision that people choose to make: whatever they prefer. Everyone prefers one thing over another, such as a person who likes to watch sports and not dramas. We all have are differences. If we didn't we would all be one person, one view, one life. So no, it can't be something that someone is born with.

Furthermore God gave man free will, whether or not man chooses to abide by His commandments does not give people the right to assume that God created people to be gay.

Unknown said...

First off I hope you don't mind but I'd just like to incorporate other peoples comments into mine.
I do not believe that your environment, as mya stated, effects how you turn out. For example I’ve had a great relationship with my father and men in general but I'm still a lesbian and two of my female friends have had terrible and in one case traumatic experiences with their fathers and both are straight.

As for lynn08, you say that this is not a choice and the fact that people say it is, is only "Brain washing." So telling people that it is a choice, basing all your beliefs about this situation on the teachings of people who claim to know Gods word...this is not brain washing is it? A very wise person once told me that God inspired the bible but man created it. If you are a Christian (I'm assuming you are) then you use the bible for your beliefs but how do you know that the people who wrote it were just not trying to enforce their opinions on you, say, brain wash you? Being gay is most definitely not a choice. For example many people hate the fact that they are gay, they hate it so much that they deny it and hide as they are ashamed, they have been brain washed by society to believe that being gay is wrong so they don’t want to be gay but they still are. Think about it, why would someone choose to be gay when it’s so difficult to be accepted when you are? It doesn’t make any logical sense.

As for the whole faith thing, can you point out the commandment that says to me "Thou shall not be gay." Cause I'm still having difficulty finding that one. I’m a Catholic myself and I do not believe that God would discriminate against anybody. He made us all, according to this why would he make some people gay in a society that, in most places, discriminate against gays. Again this doesn’t make logical sense to me.
So as you can see, I do not believe that being gay is a choice. You are most certainly born this way in my opinion.

Penny For My Thoughts? said...

Wow Lynn08...if we went by your super genetic assumptions then all brown eyed couples that produce a blue eyed child must clearly be a mistaken. Or if the logic is really great the woman must have cheated with someone with blue eyes cause Lord know's genetics is a 50/50 thing right? People can be gay and not have gay children, genes are a bit more complex than that.

The Surprise Dyke said...

People do not choose who they are attracted to, but they do have the choice over their actions. I grew up in a traditional nuclear family, and did all the traditional girl things that I was supposed to in my town. The major difference between me and my other female friends is while they were dating guys and enjoying it, I dated guys and kept hoping to "find the right one" meaning that I was always hearing about "sparks" and "butterfly feelings" but never experienced it. It took me until I was 23 to realize it wasn't the guys that were the problem, it was me. I have no problem with men, some of my best friends are men, I'm simply not sexually attracted to them. Personally I think people misunderstand when they see people following the examples they have watched since childhood, and realizing the truth for themselves with making a choice. Also, homosexuality is not limited to people, there are well over 400 animal species that exhibit homosexual behavior.
While I do not have control over who I am attracted to, I do have control over my actions. As a Bible-believing Christian I know I am to live a life that is held to a higher standard and to be an example of Christ to the world. My "gay lifestyle" I'm sad to say, is incredibly boring and probably sounds very similar to yours: get up, go to work, come home, feed the pets, make dinner, go to bed, clean the house, take care of the yard, spend time with friends, etc. The sterotypical "gay lifestyle" people have in their mind isn't specific to the homosexual group, it's simply a "worldly lifestyle." If you don't believe me, hang out in a straight bar and a gay bar on a Saturday night, it's exactly the same if you don't focus on the gender.

MiSSWHitNEY said...

Wow, first of all I have to agree with Brad.Why does it matter if gay people are born gay or choice to be gay? The point is they are gay, why is it anyone else's business what their preference is.But since it is such a hot topic I might as well throw in my two cents and add that being gay can be both genetic and a choice in my eyes. Sam, I don't know what kind of people you have been around in your lifetime, but I have seen atleast a hand full of kids ages 3+ and said yea, that kid most definetely has some sugar in his or her tank. Age has nothing to do with the maturity of the individual's sexual preference at all.When you were three years I'm pretty sure you knew if you hated eating peas and carrots that when your mom came to the high chair with a bowl full of peas,carrots, and corn that you were going to pick out all the corn kernels and only eat them. Sexuality is no different, I was only 5 years old but I already knew that girls just weren't for me.And lynn08, I understand what you are trying to get across, but on the other hand you say that there is no DNA trait that provides scientific evidence that people are born gay, but you have to think about all the things in life that can't be scientificlly proven such as the bible.I think that irish_freak put this matter into words very well.If you believe that God is THE creator of ALL things, then you have to look at yourself as a Christian who is questioning the decisions God himself chose to make while he was creating that "gay individual"; and correct me if I'm incorrect but you should never question God because everything he does is for a reason. An argument that being gay is a sin is so funny to me, one can state all these reasons as to why it is wrong based on the Bible and the Commandments; nowhere do I see "Thou shalt not be gay" but I can clearly point out the commandment that states "Thou shall not judge". I myself am a Christian, but I am not about to enforce my views and lifestyle choices on's not my life,its not my business,point blank.Let's focus on why I'm buying $3.20 gas and leave the gays/lesbians be =].

I am What I am said...

I believe that people are born gay. I should know because I am a lesbian and I have always since I was a little girl love other women and not men. I don't have anything agaisnt men it's just that I find women more attractive and right for me. I also have a gay male cousin, who is my best friend, and he told me that he had always liked other boys.

I mean I don't think that people would choose to be gay because of all the persuction that we go through. My family hates homosexuals, most of them anyway, so it is very hard for my cousin and I to live with our family. But we are not chaning ourselves to make them happy. People are born gay or lesbian.

I am What I am said...

Like I always say, straights make the world, gays make the world go round, and bisexuals make the world beautiful filing it with colors. LOL.

Unknown said...

This issues is very touchy with every one. I believe that people are not born gay, they have life decisions that effect they to become gay. Not every one has the same life decisions to make and that is why we all are so different. As for the issue on gay adoption, they should be able to adopt as long as they can show that can be loving and care for the child.

Amanda said...

Hatred and a lack of understanding are dangerous things. Society hated black people, took away their rights and everything else, due to fear and a lack of understanding. Can't we just leave each other in peace? How would you like it if your whole world were on display and everyone got to come by and make accusations and throw stones?
Would you like them to be marked in public? Say something visible on their arm (Nazi style) so you could avoid that cashier in the store or that person in your class. This is where hate and a lack of understanding take us. We've seen it before, we've done it over and over in this country.
I say just leave everyone in peace and if they want to raise kids, so be it. I know lots of kids who were raised in less that sutable conditions by straight families. If we can't get it right, maybethey can.

M. B. Jennings said...

Would someone kindly explain to your weary teacher how biological attraction is, indeed, a "choice"? I've still yet to see any irrefutable proof.

Unknown said...

I have a response/questions for a few people..
First, Mya: For the people that have not been sexually molested in anyway by either gender, and grew up in a household with straight, conservative parents why am I attracted to men and women? I most certainly did not choose to be this way. Just a bit of information: I wasn't raised to believe that homosexuality was wrong because of God..I was raised to believe that it was disgusting and unacceptable.
Sam: for most people it is not a conclusion you come to. It is an understanding and recognition that it is ok to be yourself and to feel what you are feeling, rather than hiding it from yourself because of whatever reason that may influence you. By the way, there are children that you just look at and know there may be something different about them.
Lynn08: If someone doesn't believe in god and god is not even part of their thought process what are the debatable topics that argue your point? I agree that sexuality is not hereditary, especially in my family, but obviously people aren't just here to make babies when there is money to be made. I'm pretty sure that is the mindset for a good portion of todays society. The part of the bible that says god tells Adam and Eve to be fertile and multiply..well yeah, I can believe that because someone had to populate the earth right? There's also a part of the bible that talks about I think Abraham "laying" with his daughters..I guess that's ok..(Keep in mind I'm no theologist and it's been a while since I've read the good book so I may be wrong about names).
J. Heller: Just like most people I am a woman attracted to men. Just like homosexuals I am a woman who is attracted to women. Believe me, this wasn't a choice because I fought every part of it until I just gave up because I refused to be associated with homosexuals for a LOOOOONG time! Just adding my insight to your comment.
Katie and MrToulouse: You took the words right out of my mouth!
The surprise dyke: I love it! I wish you were in our group! haha
Keep in mind everyone that these are just my thoughts and I do not intend to offend or be rude with anyone at all. Unfortunately blogs do not allow you to convey tone of voice so I don't want anyone to feel like I am saying they are wrong or that their beliefs are wrong, just simply that I do not agree.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BriAnna said...

If being gay was a choice, don't you think those who grow up in a christian family, that have parents completely against it, would CHOOSE to be gay, knowing they could possibly lose their family? I have seen this happen, people lose their happy families because they come out and say they are gay.

This actually came close in my family. My brother was extremely a mommas boy and he was terrified to come out and tell her he was gay because of the fear of losing her... He waited till he was 19 and out of the house... it actually tore them apart for a little while until my mom realized thats her son, she can't help it.
My point is, it most likely cant be a choice because its gotta be one of the hardest things to do.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Jonathon G said...

The matter of born or chosen is not that hard. As someone who has been arround gay, lesbian, and even bicurious I can safely say it is ingrained in genetic makeup. Though it is true bisexuals can have a male, female, or even both it is still in there genetics. The only way that this could be a choice is if a person could change his/her genetic makup at a whim. Though this is biologicaly imposible and posibly very painful to have done.

Brad E. said...

To start, why are we judging a person's sexual orientation? Does this not bother anyone else in this blog? SO WHAT if this person is born gay or just happened to swing to the other side during their high school years-- WHAT DOES IT MATTER!! Would it change anybody's opinion or perception on gays in general? I think the answer for the most part is no way.

Jamie Purvis said...

Okay...Here is a link to research that shows the gay gene trait profile (which has been done for years) in comparison with the human handedness trait profile.


Jonathon G said...

I agree with Brad on the fact that no matter what people beleave no everyone is going to agree. Many say yes its genetic others say yes its a choice. Just like alot of other topics no matter what the majority beleaves the rest will always fight to have their voice in the world. Agin it really dosent matter if someone is gay, lesbian, or even bisexual its
their choice and nothing will change that not even theirselfs.

BriAnna said...

I agree!!! we should no judge!!! like i said in the beginning, we are taught not to judge by color or race... right? so who cares!!! its their world!!! if that's what makes them happy, who are we to pick at their lives...

Horace said...

i don not think people are born gay i think it all depends on the way you were raised by your parents and the type of lifestyle a person is comfortable living. some people have more femine traits than others but they still are not gay.

Jess J. said...

I totally agree with Brianna. If they are happy than so be it.

Daniel B. said...

A person does not wake up in the morning and say,"I'm gay." In psychology we learned that as people grow they go through several sexual stages. In the stages after the latency stage, from eight to eleven any sort of sexual feelings are repressed, children will go through a developent stage in which their sexual orientation emerges. Technically there is one way to test this theory. If we find someone whos is gay, observe their life story then clone them twice we could see wether or not someone is born gay. First we raise one under the same conditions as the original "gay". Then we raise the other in a "straight" enviornment and see what happens. I still think your born gay and do not choose to be so.

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is possible to be born gay. Thats like saying you are born a doctor or a football player. It is a lifestyle choice, not a trait or a "illness". How can sexual orientation be an illness? I believe that their sexual orientation should not have anything to do with their rights. Everyone should be treated equal no matter what the circumstances are.

Amanda said...

The American Psychiatric Association has a page devoted to sexuality.
"What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Another site refers back to them:

"Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Most medical professionals, including organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association, believe that sexual orientation involves a complex mixture of biology, psychology, and environmental factors. A person's genes and inborn hormonal factors may play a role as well. These medical professionals believe that — in most cases — sexual orientation, whatever its causes, is not simply chosen."

A while back I worked on a horse farm where we had several gay horses. Actually, it's not all that uncommon to have a gay horse. So how can animals just be gay or bisexual but we can't?

Unknown said...

Hello. Do I think people are born gay or lesbian or bisexual, I would say no. I do not think practically any individual is born with knowledge of any sort expect for certain survival skills. Now as an individual is growing, months to years, I believe who you are attracted to begins. Even though, I feel individuals are mainly conditioned to see opposite sexes coupled together which then prompts an individual or two to follow suit. Especially if they like the opposite sex. Anyways, I feel they are some people who know they are attracted to their same gender but still will follow the learned condition. They want to fit in. Other individuals could be divided into groups like: attracted to same gender from an early age so couple with same gender; like same gender in some way but not sure so follow condition until years later or later in life, allow yourself to be honest. I will stop here.

jake said...

i think that u are born gay. i dont believe people would act gay for attention because the attention they get dosent seem like fun with people making fun of u or talking about u and having ur right restricted

Anonymous said...

In general I have found that many people who believe that being gay is a "choice" also believe that it is "easier" than being straight. The perception being that the "gay lifestyle" involves lots of easy sex and none of the demands of marriage and family. The other main theory, that gays have a bad childhood experience with the opposite sex is also implausible given that gay men at least often seem to get along with women better than straight men do! They just aren't attracted to them sexually. To me this implies that homosexuality is an innate characteristic rather than just a psychological quirk.

how said...

It's always interesting when we pit science against religion, science against christianity at least. What is absurd is that we want to treat science as if it is a belief. As if facts are something to be believed in rather than understood. With religion, which is nothing without belief often in fantastical stories, we want to present it as fact by pointing to a passage in the bible.

The current scientific evidence points toward people developing their sexuality very early in life, while some data suggests that being gay might be genetic or a prenatal condition. However one or all could contribute to any one persons sexual orientation as being gay. Just like Tallness might be affected by genetics, prenatal and environment. A child raised under a box for the beginning of his life may never be able to stand straight and reach his full hight as a child who was malnourished in the womb. But it is likely that someone with a 'tallness' gene will grow tall if he isn't forced to sleep under a rock, just as someone who has a gay gene would likely express his love if not forced to try to deny it.

The American Psychological Association

"The research on homosexuality is very clear. Homosexuality is neither mental illness nor moral depravity. It is simply the way a minority of our population expresses human love and sexuality. Study after study documents the mental health of gay men and lesbians. Studies of judgment, stability, reliability, and social and vocational adaptiveness all show that gay men and lesbians function every bit as well as heterosexuals.

"Nor is homosexuality a matter of individual choice. Research suggests that the homosexual orientation is in place very early in the life cycle, possibly even before birth. It is found in about ten percent of the population, a figure which is surprisingly constant across cultures, irrespective of the different moral values and standards of a particular culture. Contrary to what some imply, the incidence of homosexuality in a population does not appear to change with new moral codes or social mores. Research findings suggest that efforts to repair homosexuals are nothing more than social prejudice garbed in psychological accouterments."

This tells us that being gay is something that one is.

Some Christians believe that being gay is something that one does, it's a choice. They might point to a single passage in the Bible to explain that being gay is a sin, and a lifestyle. That is a matter of interpretation.

But first, one question should be, does the Bible trump human rights? For hundreds of years the Bible did in the case of slavery and the oppression of women, it seems the authors of the Bible were able to slip in quite a few personal passages that weren't as God would intend. I believe that God is best represented by applying principles of justice, love and caring for each other.

This is one of the passages that is often quoted against gays. Leviticus 18:22 is translated in King James as: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." While the passage seems to be clear there's more than one way to interpret it. I would say it specifically bans bisexuality rather than homosexuality. If I only lie with men, how could I possibly lie with them as I do with women?

If we look at that passage in context we see that the chapter deals with idolatry. The previous verse forbids blasphemy and child sacrifice, naming the god Molech. The worship of Molech in pagan times involved temple prostitues, which seems to relate closely to the next verse 18:22, which might even have related to some sort of pagan idolatrous rite involving sex.

A more literal translation would be, "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman " Nobody quite knows what "lay lyings" means. Perhaps that it is forbidden for two men to have sex in a woman's bed (a sacred place). Much like it is an abomination to eat shellfish or pick up sticks on a Saturday.

In modern times we make sure shrimp is well cooked or kept chilled, we have 2 day weekends and change the sheets.

how said...
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Mike said...

I think that people are born gay. Why would someone simply act gay for attention and then stay that way. I have read in articles that there may be a chemical imbalance in the majority of homosexuals which would explain the attraction for the opposite sex. However this is not proven, it seems plausible.

V said...

Gay is not a choice. Expressing it is a choice. I am GAY and I'm very certain that I was gay since the day I was born--I just didn't know what to call it until I learned what was the word, "gay" mean. As a learned person in genetics, I will tell you that NO ONE SINGLE GENE ever produce one single trait(s), rather lots (even thousand) of genes interact/arranged to make a certain trait. It took us, like what, 20 years to map out the human Genome. To find what makes a trait is very hard. Also environment--and I mean environment like heat temperature, food, actual things of substances--can activate these genes. So people saying there aren't genes for gayness can not prove it because of so many genes and combination! For scientists to go through it will take hundreds of years with everyone in the world working on it! However there is a high probability that there is a gay genetic trait because we have observe homosexuality in other species. As to how this translate to human sexuality, more research!

The bottom line really is that being gay is not a choice. Think about it, did straight people choose to be straight? Did they come upon a crossword in their lives where they had to choose between being straight or being gay? How do straight people become straight? Why did straight people choose to be straight? Logically speaking, only gay people can say if they choose or not choose to be gay just as straight people are the only ones who can say that they choose or not choose to be straight.

As for the pedophile comment on how these people have "innate" feelings just like homosexuality. This is very erroneous--trying--equation. This kind of thought presumes that people who have innate likings to a certain color like green have the same level of innateness such as psycho killers who can't help but kill, rapists, pathological liars, compulsive disorder, etc. Such things would mean everything that is innate are equal and that is not true. Pedophile people have a learned disorder not an innate one.

Eric W said...

I can only speak for myself (which I wish other people would do) because I don’t know what they can do or what they have done. I did not choose what I like, it was all nature. I had never been exposed to homosexuality or anything else that some people would think turned me into what I am. And for these people that say that people choose to be homosexual, I really just want to smack you! Do you know how hard it is being different in today’s society? If I really had to choose between blending in or having to go through ridicule and torture on a daily basis or having to worry about getting thrown out of my house not for something I did but because of what I am, which would be the more sensible choice? I think that you could be born gay but I feel very strongly that you cannot choose your sexuality.

Billy Knutson said...

V said...

The bottom line really is that being gay is not a choice. Think about it, did straight people choose to be straight? Did they come upon a crossword in their lives where they had to choose between being straight or being gay? How do straight people become straight? Why did straight people choose to be straight? Logically speaking, only gay people can say if they choose or not choose to be gay just as straight people are the only ones who can say that they choose or not choose to be straight.

You don't choose to be choose to NOT be straight. Who says to be gay your parents have to be gay, or that you have to be exposed to gays. I believe it is a psychological choice. Something happens to a person in his or her life that has them "choose" to not be straight. It can be something as small as not being breastfed...

I have nothing against homosexuals, I have several homosexual friends. And the fact that it is psychological debunks the "natural" fact, because similar things can happen to animals. If something in your life socially has been different, that could easily be the cause.

Again, I want to make it clear, I do not think homosexuality is a disease like many do, or a disorder. I believe it is brought on by social or psychological factors that a person has endured or has lacked.