Friday, October 17, 2008

Polk Porn Banned?

Is it unconstitutional for Polk County to put a ban on the sell and purchase of pornography? Has the government and other authoritative agencies over stepped their boundaries once again? Should the pornography industry be given a chance in Polk County?

General nudity and pornography have been around since the beginning of modern civilization. But with the dawn of technology, the distribution of pornography has become more accessible and widespread. Many conservatives who support the ban and still look down upon pornography as obscene, disgusting, and disgraceful want to keep it as far away from store shelves and computer screens as possible. On the other end of the spectrum, you have those with a more liberal outlook on the situation who believe that it is a person’s constitutional right to do as they please as long as it isn’t directly impairing another person’s constitutional rights. Do you think that officials have the proper authority to ban the sell of porn in Polk County or just in general?

“Polk County is an anomaly in Florida, it really is. I don’t know how to put this politely. It really hasn’t evolved.” Lawrence G. Waters

The 2005 Florida Statutes: Chapter 847-Obscenity>2005->Chapter 847


I don’t think that the government or state officials have the right to ban the sale of pornography. As long as the business owners are following the rules and guidelines then it should not be a problem. Especially now that anything and everything can be found on the web, I think that it is kind of pointless to stop making money simply because some feel that it is indecent. I can see no reason to support the ban on pornography when there are other things going on in Polk County that are more harmful to the general public such as gun crime and drug wars.


I don't believe that Polk County should ban porn. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong if someone wants to watch porn for his/her entertainment or even for learning purposes. Some people think that it is only for perverts, but some people learn from it. Some of us have a higher sex drive than others, and porn should be a way to lessen the stress they have legally. I say, legally, because if a person can take their sexual aggression out on a person, it would be called rape, so I think they should lift the ban and allow people to express themselves in the privacy of their homes.... Don't You?


Jamie Purvis said...

I agree with Horace and Whitney. Banning pornography in this county is ridiculous, because all anyone has to do if they want to get porn (besides off of the internet) is drive 45 minutes in either direction to Tampa or Orlando and get all the porn they want. Are they going to search our vehicles at the county line next? Banning porn is not logical because it is just too accessible online.

Anonymous said...

Those who want to make porn illegal don't really believe in free speech.

Ryan Watson said...

I believe that they can ban porn all they want, but people can still access it for free through the internet if they really want to. So, banning it won't solve the problem. There really is no way to completely get rid of porn, so I think that they they can ban it if they want but it won't make a difference.

tiffany said...

I agree with Whitney that it shouldn't be illegal if the writers are doing everything the right way and no illegal stuff. And it is a freedom of speech to have and watch porn. If people want to watch it let them watch it. It shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't involve you!

Mike said...

I think that the ban of porn is ridiculus. Even with the ban a individual can simply access porn through the internet and other surrounding counties. I think instead of banning porn in polk county, maybe the should monitor the internet porn more closely. Im not saying have a list of sites entered, but maybe make it a little harder for sexual predators and childeren to view these sites.

lynn08 said...

I completely agree with horace and whitney. I also believe the government should not ban porno because it isn't hurting anyone. As long as it's keep out of the reach of children and those who are of age can puchase it i don't see anything wrong with it. If that's how adults get off and learn from their mistakes, who am i to stop their process....?

Mya said...

so if polk county bans porn dont they think it would add on to the crime that they're trying to stop? There would be more bootlegging, and the internet is open to anyone. What i really want to know is "why stop it now!" what's the use in stopping porn if it's a citizens constitutional right to do whatever they feel behind closed doors, or as long as it doesnt interfere with the rights of others?

jenn said...

I feel that the government has no right to ban pornography. reading or watching porn should not be illegal. In my opinion this all comes back to a matter of morals not legality.

Anonymous said...

Pornography does fall under the right to express ourselves through free speech, and banning the sale of it would be unconstitutional. There is nothing wrong with porn, even though it has long been associated with sick degenerate perverts and sexual deviants. Many people look to it in order to spice up a relationship (or lack of one), be they in fact a pervert, or just the average American looking for that little extra umph in their sexlife. Besides, even if they did ban the sale of it, there are still internet websites that are just a mouseclick away, and are completely free. They aren't going to stop it from happening, and they aren't going to stop people from looking at it, so why even bother trying?

JR said...

I believe that porn should not be banned in polk county because it will still be accessible to these citizens. This ban on porn is basically pointless. If the writers are not doing anything illegal then there is no problem.

alyssa811 said...

Banning porn is pointless. Like everyone had said, it's every person's right to buy or watch porn. Porn is a huge industry and many like to buy it. Also, like everyone said, you can go on the internet for it. Would they rather them get it for free or have them buy it?

ana pimentel said...

I don't think that banning porn is gonig to help polk county at all. i mean if they really want to do something good or make a difference they should lean towards teen pregnancy. They do need help.

Nataly Aguirre said...

I feel that the government should not have the power to ban it altogther, if someone wants to get it it should be available to them. The government can say that it is not allowed in public places, but they cannot ban it when it is seen in private. I feel that it is a ridiculous ideas and everyone should just do as they choose.

*Megan* said...

I personally don't like porm but banning it from from polk county is not going to help anything. Its too accessible so I don't think its going to make much difference. People are going to get no matter what measures they have to take.

Tiffany Coleman said...

In the matter of pornography, it can cause a problem when it comes down to the eyes of young children. But if it is kept away from little kids and people watch it in the privacy of their own home or in a place designated just for that, then what is the problem? And the fact that Polk County totally BANNED it is unconstitutional because it is a person's right to watch anything they want to. It's not like the fact that it is banned is going to change anything because people are still going to watch it and find a way to do it if they want to. And that certainly won't stop the predators and the all around "freaks" they may just see it as a challenge now.

Eric W said...

At first, I was totally against the porn ban in Polk County; however, after talking to some people that came into where I worked I noticed the real problem has nothing to do with the adults, but that kids my get a hold of it. Not really being able to understand what they are looking, it could potentially taint their immature minds. But I really don't think that it would be such a problem if the parents would just talk with and educate their kids about sex and other things.
I really have to share a fun story that this guy told me, hehe.
….he said that one night he was out of his house, but his daughter and his son where still at home. When he came back home, he found that his son had found one of his pornos and was watching it on their big screen. The man thought that the little 6 year old boy would just run away and start playing with something else; however, the little boy stared playing with himself!
That is why I agree with the ban, although I also feel that as long as no one is getting hurt and it’s still a win-win situation for both parties then why is it a problem? How can the government stop us for the pursuit of happiness one of the major ideas in the constitution.

Jess J. said...

Eric has a point, the majority of the minds that are being affected by porn are children. Rather than learning important values in life, children begin to focus more on self pleasures.
Due to the fact that I honestly dislike everything about porn, I can't actually say whether or not the banning of porn was a good thing. I believe that because I can't relate to it and because the situation does not affect me, I can not choose whether I am for or against the situation.

M. B. Jennings said...

Jess, you and I have the same quandary of sorts...

I'm rather archaic when it comes to the topic -- Frankly, I abhor pornography for both personal and intellectual reasons. However, I cannot indicate that I am utterly for or against PROHIBITING pornography. If we were to outlaw it, it would not only be anti-constitutional, it would produce a ridiculous excess of criminal activity -- it's just as illogical as debtors' prison these days.

On the other hand, by keeping it as "legal" as it currently is (it doesn't take an idiot to see we are living in a pornified era anyway), we are creating a vulgar culture -- one that is distasteful, degrading and disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Polk County should not ban pornography. It goes against our rights, which makes it unconstitutional. There's no point in banning something you can not control. People are going to still purchase pornography or view it on the internet for free. The government tried to make drinking illegal and obviously that didn't work out, so why would this? The government can't control everything.

Billy Knutson said...

I'm thinking that maybe these "officials" know they won't be erasing porn completely, but would only be making it harder for people to access it. While people will still have access to pornography on the internet, there is not much county officials can do about that. Chances are, this step is the only one they can and will take to monitor pornography.

Angelina L said...

I don't believe pornography should be prohibited. As the work of Jesuit priest and theologian John Courtney Murray states: “it is not the function of civil law to prescribe everything that is morally right and to forbid everything that is morally wrong.”

sam said...

I really cant make sense of this issue. Polk county really has out done itself this time. Banning porn is such a minor issue that we have to deal with to make this county a better environment. This is just one other small step that the govt. is taking to control us, but unfortunatlly this ban will not at all stop us from getting pornography. In my eyes I think we have much larger issues than the banning of porn.

Unknown said...

It is impossible to ever ban porn, but it would be harder to get porn if they banned it out of polk county. Of course there is porn in ever other county around us, yet it would be an inconvenience to get it. In turn would deture the "porners" in getting it.

J.HELLER said...

I agree with everyone not banning porn. This will not get rid of it. Porn is to easily accessable no matter what age you are. There is however a problem in the industry. The promotion of demeaning women, by insuing that if a women talks to you she wants to sleep with you. Also, promotes obscene sex acts that a man begins to think every woman wants to do. This is usually not true you have to remember these woman are getting paid as an adult film actor. This is the problem I beleive in the pornograghy buisiness not someones preference of movie veiwing.